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Object -> Matrix


i - the 1st line Vector of the matrix
j - the 2nd line Vector of the matrix
k - the 3rd line Vector of the matrix


       add        (Matrix _m)
Vector getI       () - return a copy of the 1st line
Vector getJ       () - return a copy of the 2nd line
Vector getK       () - return a copy of the 3rd line
String getString  ()
       init       (float _rx, float _ry, float _rz) - init by rotation angles (radian measure)
       initIJK    (Vector _i, Vector _j, Vector _k) - build matrix GL style
       initIJKInv (Vector _i, Vector _j, Vector _k) - build transposed matrix (D3D style)
       initv      (Vector _v) - init by rotation angles (radian measure) taken from _v.x/_v.y/_v.z
       invert     ()
       mul        (Matrix _m)
       scale      (float _s)
       setI       (Vector _i) - copy 1st line from Vector
       setJ       (Vector _j) - copy 2nd line from Vector
       setK       (Vector _k) - copy 3rd line from Vector
       sub        (Matrix _m)

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